Thank you for visiting the site. Below you will find our policy concerning the handling of personal data. We encourage you to read it, as by visiting this site you accept the practices we have laid down and you agree to the terms and conditions indicated below.
The site has been optimized for use with Netscape 7 or above, as well as with Explorer 6 or above, with 800 x 600 resolution in thousands of colours.
The site is designed to provide information to all users.
General Information:
This site is the property of Prismaflex International.
Head Office: 309 route de Lyon – CS 50001 – 69610 Haute-Rivoire – FRANCE.
Phone: +33 4 74 70 68 00
Fax: +33 4 74 26 30 87
A limited company (Société anonyme) with a capital of € 2,701,480
Company Register n°: 345 166 425 RCS LYON
CEO: Pierre Henri Bassouls
Site publication director: Jean-Philippe Delmotte
Director of communications: Jean-Philippe Delmotte
Press contact: Angélique Teutsch
Copyright: Prismaflex International 2005
This site is registered with the CNIL under authorization number: N° 1 143 688.
Intellectual property rights:
Prismaflex International hereby informs users of this site that many elements on this site:
- are protected by copyright law: this may notably be the case of photographs, articles, illustrations, video sequences,…,
- and/or are protected by legislation concerning illustrations,
- are protected by legislation concerning trademarks.
The elements thus protected are the property of Prismaflex International or third parties having authorized Prismaflex International to use them.
Any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, inclusion, translation or marketing, whether in whole or in part, in any manner whatsoever and by any means whatsoever (paper, digital, etc …) is prohibited unless approved in advance and in writing by Prismaflex International, apart from those exceptions provided for in article L 122.5 of the French Intellectual Property Code (Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle). In all other circumstances any such use will be deemed an infringement of copyright and/or of rights over designs and models and/or trademarks, punishable by a term of imprisonment of two years and a fine of €150 000.
The photographs, texts, slogans, illustrations, images, animated or other sequences as well as all other works included in this site, are the property of Prismaflex International or third parties having authorized Prismaflex International to use them.
The reproduction, on paper or digital, of this website is allowed provided it is strictly limited to your personal use only, precluding advertising and/or commercial and/or information purposes and/or provided it complies with the provisions provided for in article L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Product information:
Information and illustrations presented on this website are based on technical characteristics up to date at the time of publication or when certain pages are updated.
In the interests of a policy of continuous development and improvement, Prismaflex International reserves the right to modify the characteristics of the products and services on offer. The products and/or services presented on the website are marketed in France. They may vary from one country to another and/or not be available in all countries.
All website content is provided for informational purposes only and is non-binding.
Personal data protection:
You are not required to disclose your identity or any other personal data in order to consult this website.
Prismaflex International recognizes your right to confidentiality and agrees to respect your privacy. This information collected on the website may be exploited by Prismaflex International and its subsidiaries. The information is confidential and shall be treated as such.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act – loi française Informatique et Liberté n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and correct any personal data you provide by writing to us at: Prismaflex International – Zone d’activités – CS 50001 – 69610 Haute-Rivoire (France).
This information is collected as it is needed to meet your requests for commercial offers and if necessary, to contact you by e-mail.
If you have subscribed online to any information services (i.e. “newsletter”) you can ask to no longer receive these e-mails.
In order to bring you products tailored to your requirements we automatically collect non-personal information concerning your use of this website. The collected information may be exploited by Prismaflex International and used for marketing and sales operations or studies and analyses.
The information shall under no circumstance be transmitted to a third party. Only the personnel at Prismaflex International or at agencies assisting them in managing such operations shall have access to the data. These agencies agree to respect the confidentiality of the information and not use it for any other operations than those assigned to them.
We take every precaution to preserve the integrity and confidentiality of your information and undertake not to communicate it to any third party.
Hypertext links:
Creating a hyperlink to the website does not require prior written permission from Prismaflex International. However, Prismaflex International must be informed within ten days following the creation of such a link.
Prismaflex International will not in any event have any liability for the content or products and services offered on the websites to which the website is linked by either hypertext links or any other type of link.
Applicable law and jurisdiction:
The website and these terms of use are governed by French law.
Any dispute arising in connection with the interpretation or performance of these terms of use will be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Lyon courts. Prismaflex International reserves the right to modify these terms of use at any time. Users of the site agree to consult them on a regular basis.
User responsibility:
Prismaflex Internationale NE pourra être tenu pour responsable des dommages directs ou indirects, tels que, notamment, préjudice matériel, pertes de données ou de programme, préjudice financier, résultant de l’utilisation de ce site ou de sites qui lui sont liés.
Users of the website undertake to comply with these terms of use and will use the website under their own responsibility. Prismaflex International shall in no event be liable for any direct or indirect damage, whatever the cause or origin, nature or consequence, including material damage, loss of data or programs, and financial loss arising from access or use of the website or any sites linked to it.
Updating the terms of use:
Prismaflex International reserves the right to modify and update these terms of use and all elements and products presented on the site at any time. These changes and updates mean that users of the site must refer regularly to this section to check the current terms of use.
Data collection:
We use cookies for our website consultation statistics (type of navigator, number of hits, pages visited …) to optimize our site and site navigation. The information collected will not be transmitted to any third party.
Hard-copy reproduction:
With the exception of the graphics, the reproduction of pages of this website on hard copy is authorized, subject to meeting the three following conditions:
• the distribution must be free;
• reproduced documents must not be modified in any way;
• must clearly be identified as the source reference and accompanied by the terms of copyright.
Digital reproduction:
The electronic reproduction of all or part of this website is authorised if the source reference is clearly and visibly identified ( accompanied by the mention “All rights reserved”. All information used should only be for personal or associative purposes; any use for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden without prior written agreement from Prismaflex International.
mention “All rights reserved”. All information used should only be for personal or associative purposes; any use for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden without prior written agreement from Prismaflex International.